A routine tale, the story begins on the backdrop of a small village in Tamilnadu and this has Rajashekar (Sarath) who is more like a god to all the villagers. He does noble deeds and wins the goodwill of the people. Even his son Vetrivel (Sarath) is a noted scientist who has won accolades from government and made his village folks proud. Life goes smoothly but one day Rajashekar sees a news report in TV on a particular issue that took place in Malaysia and much to everyone's dismay gets a heart attack and dies. Shocked by this, Vetrivel begins to figure out the cause for this, he decides to go to Malaysia and there he takes the help of the local news reporter Inba (Farzana). Inba falls for Vetrivel instantly and also helps him in his search, at the same time he also takes the help of Chandini (Namitha) who is the daughter of a former Public Prosecutor. In this, Vetrivel discovers that his father was actually a cop in Malaysia and he gets framed wrongly in a case and also loses his family, that's what gets him to Tamilnadu. How does Vetrivel resolve the issues and bring the baddies to justice forms the rest of the story.
Rating : 3 Stars out of 5 Stars
Banner : R S K Pictures
Cast : Sarath Kumar, Farzana, Namitha, Jayasudha, Vivek, Rohith, Radha Ravi, Rajkotti, Vijayakumar, Ilavarasu And Others and Others
Music : Vidyasagar
Cinematography : Bhupathy
Producer: R Sarath Kumar
Director: G N Dhinesh Kumar
Released Date: March 07, 2009
Actress Farzana of 1977 Interview
Actress Namitha of 1977 Interview
Villain of 1977 Interview
1977 Director DineshKumar Interview
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